
Evil’s key bindings are stored in a number of different keymaps. Each state has a global keymap, where the default bindings for that state are stored. They are named evil-normal-state-map, evil-insert-state-map, and so on. The bindings in these maps are visible in all buffers currently in the corresponding state.

These keymaps function like ordinary Emacs keymaps and may be modified using the Emacs function define-key:

(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "w") 'some-function)

This binds the key w to the command some-function in normal state. The use of kbd is optional for simple key sequences, like this one, but recommended in general.

Most of Evil’s bindings are defined in the file evil-maps.el.

To facilitate shared keybindings between states, some states may activate keybindings from other states as well. For example, motion state bindings are visible in normal and visual state, and normal state bindings are also visible in visual state.

Each state also has a buffer-local keymap which is specific to the current buffer, and which takes precedence over the global keymap. These maps are most suitably modified by a mode hook. They are named evil-normal-state-local-map, evil-insert-state-local-map, and so on.

(add-hook 'some-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (define-key evil-normal-state-local-map
                        (kbd "w") 'some-function)))

For convenience, the functions evil-global-set-key and evil-local-set-key are available for setting global and local state keys.

(evil-global-set-key  STATE KEY DEF)

Bind KEY to DEF in STATE.

(evil-local-set-key  STATE KEY DEF)

Bind KEY to DEF in STATE in the current buffer.

The above examples could therefore have been written as follows:

(evil-global-set-key 'normal (kbd "w") 'some-function)

(add-hook 'some-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (evil-local-set-key 'normal (kbd "w") 'some-function)))


Evil provides the macro evil-define-key for adding state bindings to ordinary keymaps. It is quite powerful, and is the preferred method for fine-tuning bindings to activate in specific circumstances.

(evil-define-key  STATE KEYMAP KEY DEF [BINDINGS...])

Create a STATE binding from KEY to DEF for KEYMAP. STATE is one of normal, insert, visual, replace, operator, motion, emacs, or a list of one or more of these. Omitting a state by using nil corresponds to a standard Emacs binding using define-key. The remaining arguments are like those of define-key. For example:

(evil-define-key 'normal foo-map "a" 'bar)

This creates a binding from a to bar in normal state, which is active whenever foo-map is active. Using nil for the state, the following lead to identical bindings:

(evil-define-key nil foo-map "a" 'bar)
(define-key foo-map "a" 'bar)

It is possible to specify multiple states and/or bindings at once:

(evil-define-key '(normal visual) foo-map
  "a" 'bar
  "b" 'foo)

If foo-map has not been initialized yet, this macro adds an entry to after-load-functions, delaying execution as necessary.

KEYMAP may also be a quoted symbol. If the symbol is global, the global evil keymap corresponding to the state(s) is used, meaning the following lead to identical bindings:

(evil-define-key 'normal 'global "a" 'bar)
(evil-global-set-key 'normal "a" 'bar)

The symbol local may also be used, which corresponds to using evil-local-set-key. If a quoted symbol is used that is not global or local, it is assumed to be the name of a minor mode, in which case evil-define-minor-mode-key is used.

KEY is an internal Emacs representation of a key, as for define-key. To bind key sequences that use modifier keys such as “C-a” or “M-a”, convert the key sequences using kbd. For example:

(evil-define-key 'normal foo-map (kbd "C-a") 'bar)

There follows a brief overview of the main functions of this macro.

  • Define a binding in a given state

    (evil-define-key 'state 'global (kbd "key") 'target)
  • Define a binding in a given state in the current buffer

    (evil-define-key 'state 'local (kbd "key") 'target)
  • Define a binding in a given state under the foo-mode major mode.

    (evil-define-key 'state foo-mode-map (kbd "key") 'target)

    Note that foo-mode-map is unquoted, and that this form is safe before foo-mode-map is loaded.

  • Define a binding in a given state under the bar-mode minor mode.

    (evil-define-key 'state 'bar-mode (kbd "key") 'target)

    Note that bar-mode is quoted, and that this form is safe before bar-mode is loaded.

The macro evil-define-key can be used to augment existing modes with state bindings, as well as creating packages with custom bindings. For example, the following will create a minor mode foo-mode with normal state bindings for the keys w and e:

(define-minor-mode foo-mode
  "Foo mode."
  :keymap (make-sparse-keymap))

(evil-define-key 'normal 'foo-mode "w" 'bar)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'foo-mode "e" 'baz)

This minor mode can then be enabled in any buffers where the custom bindings are desired:

(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'foo-mode)  ; enable alongside text-mode

Leader keys

Evil supports a simple implementation of Vim’s leader keys. To bind a function to a leader key you can use the expression <leader> in a key mapping, e.g.

(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>fs") 'save-buffer)

Likewise, you can use the expression <localleader> to mimic Vim’s local leader, which is designed for mode-specific key bindings.

You can use the function evil-set-leader to designate which key acts as the leader and the local leader.

(evil-set-leader  STATE KEY [LOCALLEADER])

Set KEY to trigger leader bindings in STATE. KEY should be in the form produced by kbd. STATE is one of normal, insert, visual, replace, operator, motion, emacs, a list of one or more of these, or nil, which means all of the above. If LOCALLEADER is non-nil, set the local leader instead.